Courses & Competencies


Course Competencies:

Upon successful completion of this course, students should have developed:

Strategies for learning through dialogue with others.

Strategies for describing dysfunctional leadership and organizational thinking and behavior.

Strategies for understanding problems and creating solutions in organizations using multiple frameworks and integrative vision.

Strategies for reflecting on his or her experience within organizations, interpret it within the context of the course, and develop a plan of personal leadership development for the future.

Strategies for thinking creatively about the future of organizational leadership.

ORGL 502     Leadership & Imagination

Course Goals:

In this course, each student will engage the following questions:

            What is imagination?
            How is imagination exhibited?
How can it be cultivated?
How can it be actualized in organizations?

Course Objectives:

Given satisfactory completion of the course material, the students will be able to:

Explain the dynamics involved in the creative process

Understand how these dynamics are present in the arts and science

Understand how these dynamics are present in organizational leadership

Analyze and evaluate both his/her own others’ leadership in the context of imagination and creative process.

Course Competencies: 

In order to show competency, each student will:

Describe, analyze, and evaluate various interpretations of the play Richard III, both read and perform (in a posting shared with other students and read by the teacher)

Describe, analyze, and evaluate the dynamics of the creative process (in weekly postings shared with other students and read by the teacher)

Apply, analyze, and interpret the dynamics of the creative process present in organizational leadership (in a project shared with other students and the teacher)

ORGL 505     Organizational Theory

Course Competencies & Objectives:

This course if designed to provide students with:

An overview and history of the field of organizational theory. Students will acquire a basic understanding of the roots of this field and its main contributors.

Students will develop skills in and receive an introduction to viewing organizations from multiple perspectives through the use of metaphors and framing.

A core objective of this course is to enable students to develop an understanding of organizations from the structural, human resource, political, cultural and systems perspectives.

Another core objective of this course is to improve students ability to make sense or analyze organizational dynamics with the goal of improving organization functioning.

Students will be challenged to apply material to both case studies and actual organizational situations.

ORGL 506     Leadership & Diversity

course Goals & Competencies:

During this course, students should:

Become familiar with the study of diversity and difference from multiple perspectives.

Develop an understanding of the key texts, theories, and concepts in cultural studies.

Become more sensitive to the complexity of intercultural interaction.

Become more willing, self-reflective, flexible, and open communicators in intercultural communication interactions.

Develop an understanding of contemporary struggles for social justice, especially those connected to issues of culture, identity, and diversity.

ORGL 501     Methods of Organizational Research

course Goals & Competencies

Upon Completion of this course, students will:

Understand the philosophical and theoretical context of both quantitative and qualitative research.

Understand the advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method designs. 

Develop a systematic literature review to inform a research purpose

Design a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods study, addressing issues of ethics, validity, and reliability.

Analyze, interpret, and present findings and implications of your study.

ORGL 504     Organizational Communication

Course Goals & Competencies

Identify and be able to discuss major issues regarding communication in organizational settings. 

Demonstrate an understanding of organizational communication theories and related processes.

Develop skills in analyzing and making recommendations regarding communications in varied organizational settings, scenarios, and/or case studies. 

Enhance your own competency as a communicator and leader in organizations.

Apply critical thinking to the ethical issues surrounding organizational communication and leadership. 

ORGL 523     Psychology of Leadership

Course Objectives:

To provide:

An overview of various approaches to the field of psychology and leadership;

A sample of approaches to personality development with a special focus on attachment theory;

An overview of the field of emotional intelligence

An in-depth exploration of three key capacities: Self-reflection; self-regulation; and empathy.

A review of key dimensions of a psychologically healthy work environment

ORGL 503     Organizational Ethics

Course Goals & Objectives:

To introduce ethics as a discipline of philosophical investigation.

To create a genuine and meaningful discourse around the subject of Aristotelian ethics.

To develop a firmer understanding of the broader topics which organize this course: leadership, character, community, and discourse. 

To understand and apply an Aristotelian understanding of values in an organizational context.  

ORGL 530     Servant Leadership

Course Goals:

Students should have more knowledge of the concepts of servant-leadership
A better understanding of how to effectively interact with others in an organizational setting.

A clearer insight into how relationships are key to the effectiveness of individuals and organizations.

Strengthened ability to articulate a personal, servant-centered philosophy of leadership.

Develop an enhanced conceptualization and understanding of the principles of servant leadership.

Develop an awareness of the dynamics of relational leadership

Develop an insight into their own leadership approach.

Course Competencies:

Mastery the competencies will be demonstrated by a student’s ability to:

Assume the role of a servant-leader in training.

Conceptualize and articulate the philosophy of servant-leadership.

Analyze a leader and/or organizational system using servant-leadership criteria providing.

Articulate a personal, servant-centered philosophy of leadership.

Plan, propose, and prepare to implement the philosophy of servant-leadership through a servant-leadership development programs in a work situation.

ORGL 532     Leadership, Justice, & Forgiveness

Course Competencies:

To gain initial understandings of what a servant-leadership oriented stance toward restorative justice and forgiveness entails;

To enter in and begin to deepen the dialogue on what is life giving in the midst of human atrocities and profound human suffering;

To gain understandings of the nature of freedom and responsibility in the self, and the inherent calling that places on the individual within personal, social, and global systems; and

To draw on a holistic concept of personhood with regard to course content, specifically an advanced development of heart, mind, and spirit that attends to servant-leadership, restorative justice, and forgiveness.

ORGL 518     Transforming Leadership

Course Competencies & Objectives:

Explore the meaning of transformation and what leaders can do to facilitate it in individuals and organizations.

Identify how transformation is connected to the art of leadership.

Analyze the link between transformation and human development.

Dissect our own personal experiences of transformation.

Link the principles of moral leadership and right action to organizational practices.

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